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Missy Lee Minx

In My Bedroom Blog


About Me

Hi, my name is Missy Lee Minx, I am an Amateur Mature Adult Entertainer and I created the website Old Ladies Going Wild and have a site called Vegas Sex Cams(I live in Vegas!) I am also a Music Artist, piano, electric guitar, vocals,and a lifelong Occultist as I was psychic since a very young age as well as a natural spirit medium.

Within this first writing on my blog I want to dedicate this page which will be permanent as might I say, an online reverent place... to honor the presence and persona of the one and only female spirit of porn- Miss Porno, who made herself known to the world through the book Miss Porno: Spirit Of Pornography" by S. Rob the well acclaimed and respected writer of Occult subjects. His books include this one and a vast array of other excellent titles which are available online on Amazon. Link To The Book
 In these pictures, I took them as an offering to Miss Porno, I performed the spell titled "Miss Porno Magick to get a good reaction when you appear for people nude" Doing the ritual, I felt inspired, renewed in creative energy, I felt Her spirit close, and I know she will help me with my porn art and music ...    I am happy I was led to this wonderful book that inspired me to embark on this journey.

Old Ladies Going Wild

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